Moving into the worlds of nanobiotechnology and astronomy with such different scales » from MACRO to micro in a short lapse of time!
MAicro is an approach that recalls generative art. Moving into the multidisciplinary worlds of biology and astronomy experienced by such different scales promises vertiginous feelings.
This a proposal is inspired by the enlightening work of the designers Charles and Ray Eames when confronting the diverse views of “Powers of Ten – The World at Different Scales” [Eames82], where the image of infinitely distant is absolutely similar to the image infinitely close. On the other side, this parity in visual aspect is in great contrast with the movement perceived: as we get closer, we realize the frantic ceaseless movement full of life and, as we move away, a sense of calmness, silence and emptiness is experienced.
Technical issues apply, from equipment specific requirements for microscopic zoom to telescopic records. Transition modes from micro to macro are also a challenge to deal with. Among the motivations to go forward with such an awkward proposal is the dream to be able to experience a relationship between art and science by visual contemplation of both worlds in an “abstract intimacy”.
MAicro is demanding resources that have not been available so far. The Art|Sci center+lab and the Sci|Art NanoLab [Sci|Art11] residency experience was very enriching and may be the spark to ignite what now seems “unattainable”. Existing resources and working in an academic transdisciplinary network setting may be an implementation possibility.
MAicro is fascinating for the possibilities and astounding for the relativity revealed. In this installation, we are once again confronted with time versus space issues: observing the stars is to be confronted with the past in the present, for the further we are observing, the more distant in time we are; observing the agitation of microscopic life brings us into the present tense.
Inevitably, the exciting fractals observable in nature, with its endless repeating, expanding patterns, is also a surprising world to explore.
Considering the need of day and night capture and the lapse if time to collate both views, times of the day specificities will be the starting point for the interaction design.
The functionality of continuous recording of biological elements in movement recalling the frenzy of life "as it is" is amazing and has a great potential for presentation. A social metaphor may be an interesting output to reflect on when confronting micro frantic agitation versus macro apparent quietness in an apparently immutable universe.
The extreme views of the infinitely close and the infinitely distant [(eg.: In “Powers of Ten – The World at Different Scales”, the image of infinitely distant (10 17) is absolutely similar to the image infinitely close (10 -11)] suggest a moment of unutterable beauty and perfect harmony – will we ever be able to observe that in nature? The process of trying to seems to be convincing enough to go forward with its implementation, for the real goal of the real feel proposed with this installation is a mystery that can only unveiled when experienced.